Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Well Done Mustafa Kamal

Finally CDGK is going to complete its tenure. A golden era in the history of Karachi is done. In this duration the city of lights has seen a tremendous progress and development.

The CDGK under Mustafa Kamal’s supervision has performed its duties to the best of its capacities. When Mustafa Kamal took oath, there were no proper sewerage and storm water drainage system. The existing had already been collapsed. We still remember those days during heavy rain when whole city was paralyzed by rain water, which remained on roads for several days. We also remember those days when broken roads were the main cause of the traffic jams.

Today we see several roads and couple of corridors have been developed and are working well. Proper sewerage & storm water system has been installed in many areas and due to this reason, rain water does not remain on the roads for long and most of the roads get clear after some hours of the rain.

Monitoring the city has always been the problem. CDGK has also developed a state of the art central control room, which is very helpful in keeping a strong eye on every major roads and corners. Now Police is also using that center to monitor the city to control crimes.

CDGK has also played an important role on health side. Karachi has got its second heart disease center some days back. Although the city government has done extra efforts in disaster management and bought new fire tenders and ambulances but results are not as per the expectations and need more efforts in this side. Same is on the public transport side. 50 cng buses are nothing for almost 10.4 million people. A proper, heavy duty and futuristic transport system is the necessity of the city, on which the next city government has to work restlessly.

Mustafa Kamal is the only mayor of the country who is known and appreciated internationally for his performance. His performance has brought this city in the sight of city planners and developers and their visits show that Karachi has become a vibrant city in today’s world and has the ability to become the investor and tourist attraction in future.

I as a resident of this city is proud to have such an active mayor and I would like to see another mayor of the same kind.

Well Done Mustafa Kamal !

PPP Government Corruption

This is in reference to the reports given by a prominent Pakistani reporter about the corruption by this government.

I am not happy to read that such a massive level of corruption is going on under the rule of PPPP. It seems that Peoples Party has not learnt from its mistakes and is making the “history” by doing corruption on the highest level and the highest scale. It also makes me think that at this time PPP is working on the agenda of surrendering the country.

Pakistan Steel, PIA, SSGC are one of the most important parts of the country’s economy and growth and the way they are being looted and are pushing towards the bankruptcy reminds me of the last PPP government’s corruption. MD PIA has accepted that PIA is technically bankrupt. Pakistan Steel had billions in its reserves till Jun 08 but now all the money including the employee’s savings and pensions are gone.

AS per today’s report SSGC is now the target and the management is getting pressure to mix another gas with natural gas in the pipelines. The management is opposing this idea because doing this will destroy the distribution network and also will raise the price for the consumer.

Similar corruption is going in EOBI and the housing ministry and I am sure that there are more to come.

I request the Supreme Court to take up this matter and bound the government to revert all this corruption steps at once. Also I would like to ask the opposition parties and the PAC that what they are doing in the parliament if they cannot stop the government by doing corruption.

New CNG Buses in Karachi

It was a great pleasure to see new CNG buses running on the road. Citizens of Karachi deserve this type of transport, which carry a standard, cleanness and a symbol of relief for the passengers.

But this is not enough, as per the statistics provided by the CDGK, around 5,000 buses are required to fulfill the public transport need of Karachi and it will take a considerable time to complete this task.

If we recall our memories the same initiative was taken earlier but got failed due to some “reasons”. Anyway this is a good step towards the modern transport system in the city and it will continue to offer better traveling facilities for the hardworking people of Karachi.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Alternate Energy Equipment Leasing

Power shortage is one of the major issues of Pakistan, which is not only disturbing a common man’s life but also destroying the economics of the country. Although the government is trying to fight the power crises with the help of installation of new power generation units and alternate energy resources, the problem lies there.

I have a suggestion that the government should instruct the banks to start leasing the alternate energy equipment with installation for domestic consumers. The cost of solar and wind turbine unit (both at a time), is approx. Rs. 350,000/- to 400,000/-. These either units or single unit is capable of generating power sufficient for a double story house.

This amount cannot be afford by a salaried person in one go. Therefore, if the banks start leasing this equipment then the domestic consumers can get rid of the headache of load-shedding in a short period.

The cost of this equipment can be recovered in 5-7 years and these are not highly maintainable.

I request the government and the alternate energy board to look into this option because on one side this will reduce the load consumption and on the other side domestic consumers can get the uninterrupted power supply with the piece of mind.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Peace in MiddleEast

The Palestinian conflict is a historical one and is the main root cause of disputes and killings in Middle East. Thousands of people have been killed and billions of dollars have been wasted just for the destruction from the day it was started.

The reason for this conflict is the city of Jerusalem. This is a fact that Jerusalem is very important and sacred for both the Jews and the Muslims and many crusades were fought to control this city in the history. Dividing this city (according to some news reports) can be one option but a group of people from both sides will disagree with this and it fears that another dispute will start by this decision. But if we look at the brighter side there is another solution, which can be acceptable to both the countries and the rest of the world. Despite dividing this city, Jerusalem should be declared a neutral holy and tourist city open for everyone.

Both the countries (Israel & Palestine state) should shift their administrative offices in other cities but they should leave Jerusalem open for all religions and tourism and its control must be handed over to the carefully vetted officials of both the countries or of the UNO.

In my opinion this can be a win-win situation for Middle East. This will dilute the tense situation in the Middle East. Followers can have easy access to their Holy places and tourism can get boost in this city because lots of tourists will visit this place being the historical and the most vital place on the face of the world, therefore, both the states should consider this point very seriously.
The Palestinian conflict is a historical one and is the main root cause of disputes and killings in Middle East. Thousands of people have been killed and billions of dollars have been wasted just for the destruction from the day it was started.

The reason for this conflict is the city of Jerusalem. This is a fact that Jerusalem is very important and sacred for both the Jews and the Muslims and many crusades were fought to control this city in the history. Dividing this city (according to some news reports) can be one option but a group of people from both sides will disagree with this and it fears that another dispute will start by this decision. But if we look at the brighter side there is another solution, which can be acceptable to both the countries and the rest of the world. Despite dividing this city, Jerusalem should be declared a neutral holy and tourist city open for everyone.

Both the countries (Israel & Palestine state) should shift their administrative offices in other cities but they should leave Jerusalem open for all religions and tourism and its control must be handed over to the carefully vetted officials of both the countries or of the UNO.

In my opinion this can be a win-win situation for Middle East. This will dilute the tense situation in the Middle East. Followers can have easy access to their Holy places and tourism can get boost in this city because lots of tourists will visit this place being the historical and the most vital place on the face of the world, therefore, both the states should consider this point very seriously.

Friday, February 6, 2009

English Composer / Record Keeper Available

I am offering my services as an English Composer/Typist and document organizer / record keeper on freelance basis for part time work. My typing speed is good and I can type very well. Also I am a good record keeper and can organize papers accordingly.Those who are interested in getting their documents / notes properly typed and want to keep them in order can contact me on my mobile number (0300-2419796). Rates will be nominal and I can be available at the client's place.Please feel free to contact me via above-mentioned mobile number or via email address ( Looking to hear from interested people soon.Best Regards,

Pakistan's battle serious image problem

I can imagine what type of embarrassment, mostly innocent Pakistanis faces in foreign countries. There are several factors of this image bashing, which I want to share with you. First of all, Pakistan has never been accepted by some countries from the day of its existence and they did try anything to destroy this country. Second our leaders who ever they were did not lead good examples for the world and for the people of this country and they crossed every line of morality to keep themselves in power. History is witnessed that just after Quaid’s death; politicians and other power centers started to fight to rule and used extra constitutional ways to grab the power. This is also a fact that this country is blessed with lots of mineral resources, fertile land, important water ways and talented and cheap labor, but even after 61 years majority of our people does not even have proper drinking water within their reach and this is because of those corrupt leaders. Third reason is us, it is said that Pakistanis are very hardworking and talented people but I disagree, we are talented but not hard workers. There are several examples in daily routine that we use illegal ways to get our things done, we do not want to go through proper channel, infact we are at the last stages of moral values. Pakistanis went every where in the world legally or illegally but unfortunately many of them did not leave good impression on other nationals. Mostly illegal immigrants die during crossing borders in UAE, Iran and Europe belongs to my country, so what do we expect from the world to think about ourselves? Another reason we Pakistanis are emotional especially in religious matters and we do not think from mind, therefore, we are a very easy prey for those who play mind games and this emotionality leading us to extremism.

Today our enemies are using our emotionality to destroy ourselves. If we go through the history of all the terrorists’ attacks after 9/11, mostly people who were involved, they were either Pakistanis or belong to any Pakistani madarrsah. We in particular and Muslims in general are killing us in the name of God. Suicide bombers are Muslims and their victims are also Muslims. Now who is to blame? And last but not the least national and international media, which is going extra mile in projecting negative image of our country. There are insurgencies and mutinies in many countries (like India) but there media does not run the campaign like our media is doing. There are also good things happening in our country but the national media does not allow us to think on other side, reason? Creating sensualities and much more.

Things are very simple, our enemies are just helping us to destroy ourselves. Otherwise we have not left any leaf overturned to do this.

In the Service of the Nation

In the world most of the countries are democratic states, which have elections and people chose their representatives by using their votes to work for them and solve their problems.

By having a closer look, being a representative is not an easy job. The power is not to enjoy, it is a huge responsibility. When people cast their vote for a person, they assume that “he/she is the one” and they get hopeful that their problems will be solved. In other words the voters put their faith on their representatives. We find it very shameful that despite of serving, there are many representatives who misuse their position and use all the resources of the country for their personal entertainment and benefits and break the trust of their voters.

Many examples are available of good and bad governance in the world, some of them are given below just to have an idea what “Service of the Nation” means?

Coming towards the good example, we have Europe. Centuries back they were in dark ages but then they educated themselves, formed rules and regulations and implemented those with true honesty. Today most of the European states are welfare states and they are following the rule “By the People, For the People”. They provide free education, medical, social security and other benefits to their people and take full responsibility of their good and bad achievements

By looking more for good governance, China, Malaysia, Japan and South Korea are the examples of the hard work and the dedication. These countries do not have sufficient resources but they have progresses tremendously. This is because of the sincere and perfect policies of their leaders, sense of responsibility and the strict rule of law.

Similarly towards Middle East, Saudi Arabia and UAE are the shining stars of “The service of the Nation” even they are not the democracies but still are the model countries. UAE is becoming a heaven for tourists very rapidly.

On the other hand, if we look towards other countries with bad governance like Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Brazil and African countries, shameful to say that the leadership of these countries is not honest and mostly do not believe on “The Service of the Nation”, instead they believe in “Self Service”. In a democratic society it is said that the government is the servant of the people but here this is opposite. Everyone can see that the VIPs even the beaurocracy behave like they are the sole owner of the land.

The purpose of these examples is just to give an idea that how the true sense of “Service of the Nation” can change the fate of the countries and the people. This sense can make a nation and can destroy one. These words can easily be spelled but the meanings are very deep and difficult.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I am offering my services as an English Composer/Typist and document organizer / record keeper on freelance basis for part time work. My typing speed is good and I can type very well. Also I am a good record keeper and can organize papers accordingly.

Those who are interested in getting their documents / notes properly typed and want to keep them in order can contact me on my mobile number (0300-2419796). Rates will be nominal and I can be available at the client's place.

Please feel free to contact me via above-mentioned mobile number or via email address ( Looking to hear from interested people soon.
Best Regards,